“Let’s talk’’ are the two most important words you can say to an aging loved one.
The potential need for long term care is a topic most people would rather avoid. But not talking about it doesn’t make the issue go away. It only delays planning and leads to potential confusion and financial impact for not just those who may need care, but their family and friends. The reality is that seven out of ten people over the age of 65 will require long term care at some point.1 If that statistic is a surprise to you, you’re not alone.
What are the chances?
In this video, Genworth conducted a social experiment where we asked real people seven questions to get them thinking and talking about long term planning. See how these mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, and fathers and daughters learn about the issues of aging and long term care.
While it can be difficult to start, having a talk about the needs and preferences for all involved leads to greater clarity about how and where loved ones want to age and greater peace of mind for all. To see how other real families talk about long term care, visit our Family Stories page.
people over the age of 65 will need some type of long term care support.1
of adults under 60, discussed long term care or retirement with their parents.2
people reported that talking about future planning inspired action and positive feelings.2
Here’s how you can have the conversation with your loved one.
Starting a conversation about potential long term care needs and the issues of aging isn’t always easy. But honest conversations now are essential to making sure you and the people you love can live life on your own terms. Being open today about what matters most means you can plan for the future you want.
What to Talk About
Lifestyle: What does daily life look like now? What does your loved one expect it to look like in the future?
Legal: Is there a will/living will, durable power of attorney, or health care power of attorney in place? Are those documents up to date and accessible?
Finances: How are bills currently being paid? Is there income that can be redirected for care if need be?
Medical Care: Are health histories and contact information for all current medical providers available and up to date?
Care Options: How and where would your loved one prefer to receive care? Do they have a care provider selected and how will it be paid for?
These are just a few tips for how to get the conversation going. If you’d like even more, you can visit our Resources page to find more conversation starter articles.
Important Do’s and Don’ts
Talk in person
Allow plenty of time
Have a sense of humor
Go with the flow
Listen, really listen to each other
Plan for follow-up conversation
Overwhelm with statistics and forms
Make plans and decisions ahead of time
Talk when tensions are running high
Fall into old patterns
Force choices and decisions immediately