Life Insurance Forms
Browse Genworth’s collection of life insurance forms. Once you locate the appropriate form, download and complete in full. Please print out, sign and return it to the address found directly on the life insurance form. If you have not already done so, please download Adobe Reader® to view the forms.
Genworth’s life insurance forms will assist you with making changes to your index universal life, guarantee universal life, term life insurance and whole life insurance accounts. These forms will help you conduct life insurance authorizations, requests, name/address change, naming a beneficiary and other updates.
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Are you looking for one of these forms?
These are the top two most downloaded life insurance forms. We've listed them here for your convenience. If the form you are looking for is not one of these two, all other life insurance forms available online are listed on this page, below.
- Address or Name Change
Submit address or name changes for yourself or other parties on your policy, or to add, change or delete a third party listed on your policy to receive billing notices (for use with Life Insurance policies only). Login to submit your address change online.
- Agent Change Request
Use to request a change to the Servicing agent on your policy(ies).
- Allocation and Transfer Change Form for Index UL Products
Information must be completed and received by the 1st of the month to process allocation changes on the 15th of the month. Available for Index UL products only.
- Authorization to receive information
Use when authorizing a third party to receive information about your policy. The authorized person will be required to provide appropriate security verification for any phone requests for information.
- Beneficiary Change Form
Request beneficiary changes on any life insurance policy. If change of ownership and beneficiary is needed please use the Ownership and beneficiary designation request form applicable for your state (listed below).
- Cancellation Authorization for Term Life Insurance
Use this form to authorize cancellation of your policy.
- Certification of trustee powers
Required to show signing authority for contracts owned by a Trust for Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Genworth Life Insurance Company and Genworth Life Insurance Company of New York.
- Collateral Assignment
Use when assigning policy proceeds to cover a loan (i.e. bank loan).
- Declaration of attorney-in-fact (for use with Life Insurance and Annuities only)
Required to show signing authority for an Attorney-in-Fact acting under a Power of Attorney for the policy or contract owner. For use with Life Insurance and Annuities only.
- Duplicate contract authorization
Request a duplicate copy of a lost or destroyed policy or contract.
- Electronic funds transfer (EFT) - Premium Renewal
Request automatic withdrawals from your bank account to pay premiums on life or long term care insurance policies, or to update bank account information for policies already drafting premiums. Login to submit your electronic funds transfer online.
- Index Universal Life withdrawal, loan or surrender request
Used to request the following transactions on your Index Universal Life insurance policy: one-time withdrawal or loan, recurring withdrawals or loans, loan type switching, or full surrender.
- Linked Benefits - Total Living Coverage (TLC) Sample Policy (California Only)
This sample copy of Genworth Life Insurance Company's Universal Life Insurance policy is being provided for informational purposes only. THIS SAMPLE POLICY IS NEITHER A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE NOR AN OFFER TO CONTRACT.
- Loan Authorization for Life Insurance
Use to request a loan on your life insurance policy.
- Ownership and beneficiary designation request form (Use this form for policies delivered in CA, CT, DE, DC, FL, ND and SD)
Request owner and beneficiary changes on any life insurance policy.
- Ownership and beneficiary designation request form (Use this form for policies delivered in NY)
Request owner and beneficiary changes on any life insurance policy.
- Ownership and beneficiary designation request form (Use this form for policies delivered in all states other than CA, CT, DE, DC, FL, ND, NY and SD
Request owner and beneficiary changes on any life insurance policy.
- Release of Collateral Assignment
Use when assignment of policy is relinquished or released.
- Surrender Authorization
Use to request a full surrender of a life insurance policy.
- Universal Life Planned Premium Change
Use to make a change in planned premium amount or frequency of payment on a universal life policy.
- Variable Life Loan form
Use to request a loan from your variable life insurance policy.
- Variable Life Surrender form
Use to request a full surrender of your variable life insurance policy.
- Variable Life Trade form
Use to request a transfer of current investments in your variable life insurance policy.
- Variable Life Withdrawal form
Use to request a partial withdrawal from your variable life insurance policy.
- Withdrawal Authorization for Life Insurance
Use to request a withdrawal on your life insurance policy.