Closing a Claim
Claims may be closed for various reasons, including your recovery, claim withdrawal, death, or exhaustion of benefits.
To discuss the claim closure process, you or your personal representative should call Genworth Long Term Care (LTC) Claims at 800.876.4582. At the time of the call, the Customer Service Representative will discuss the claim closure process, and any impacts of closing the claim.
Genworth generally makes a final benefit payment, if applicable, within 30 days of receiving a request to close a claim. However, if a final benefit payment is not required, or if additional information is needed, the claim associate will send written communication outlining the claim’s status.
If you recover and no longer require covered Long Term Care benefits, you should contact Genworth to discuss your care needs.
If you are benefit eligible, but choose to no longer access your Long Term Care benefits, you may contact Genworth to request a claim withdrawal.
Benefits Exhausted
While you remain benefit eligible, and continue to receive covered Long Term Care services, benefit payments will continue to be processed until the policy or certificate coverage limits have been reached.
The loss of a loved one is a difficult time. Therefore, to avoid delays in processing any outstanding benefits payments, if accessible, your personal representative should mail or fax Genworth a copy of your death certificate to:
Genworth Long Term Care Claims
P.O. Box 40007
Lynchburg, VA 24506
Fax: 800.876.8220
Please note: At the time of death, beneficiaries are not entitled to any Long Term Care Insurance policy or certificate’s remaining maximum balance, other than eligible care which has not yet been reviewed. Any remaining benefits that are due and owed for covered expenses are generally paid to the Insured’s Estate. If no Estate is set up, please contact us to discuss payment options.
To manage your policy/certificate or claim online
Contact LTC Claims:
Monday – Thursday:
8:30 AM – 6 PM ET,
9 AM – 6 PM ET
Fax Number
Fax your documents to 888.557.5526
LTCI Claims Invoice Email
LTCI Document Review Email
USPS Mailing Address
Genworth Financial
Long Term Care Claims
P.O. Box 40007
Lynchburg, VA 24506
FedEx and UPS Mailing Address
Genworth Financial
Long Term Care Claims
3100 Albert Lankford Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501
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